The Animal Behaviour course provides an extensive understanding of animals and what causes them to act the way they do. An understanding of animal behaviour is useful if you are looking to work with animals in a zoo, veterinary practice, and pet shop or even in the wild.


You have the opportunity to go onto further studies after the course with the likes of Animal Anatomy and Physiology (Animal Husbandry I) or Animal Health Care for Beginners courses complementing this course nicely.


Course Outline
Course Code: 
100 hours - Access for 12 months
Online & Correspondence
Statement of achievement
Lesson Structure: 
  1. Introduction.
  2. Genetics and Behaviour
  3. Animal Perception and Behaviour
  4. Behaviour and the Environment
  5. Social Behaviour
  6. Instinct and Learning
  7. Handling Animals
  8. Behavioural Problems 
Aims - the learning objectives of the course: 
  • Identify factors affecting animal behaviour.
  • Describe the influence of genes on animal behaviour.
  • Explain how animals perceive and how they respond to various stimuli.
  • Explain the influence of environment factors, such as circadian rhythms, on biological clocks, reproductive cycles, orientation and other animal behaviours.
  • Explain the social influences on animal aggression, play, sexual behaviour, communication and other behaviours.
  • Describe different ways that animals learn (such as conditioning and habituation) and some effects of learning on behaviour.
  • Discuss psychological implications of different handling techniques.
  • Identify abnormal animal behaviour (eg. psychotic, neurotic behaviour) and ways to reduce dependence on humans.