Learn how to write, what to write, and how publishers buy from freelance writers.
Ten lessons cover everything from good grammar, to planning and writing newspaper and magazine articles, advertisements, books and more. Emphasis is placed on things which are important to publishers who might buy your work. Tutors concentrate on your ability to properly structure an article, and to be both concise and clear in your use of words. Graduates of this course should:
- Have improved communication skills, particularly with respect to clarity, conciseness and correct grammar.
- Be familiar with the "writing industry"; having a clear idea of where opportunities exist for obtaining work as a freelance writer.
- How to go about approaching potential clients to obtain work.
- Have an understanding of the processes involved in publishing books, magazines and newspapers; from generating concepts to seeing the finished publication on sale.
There are 10 lessons in this course:
- Introduction to freelancing
- Scope of freelance writing (types of writing, where to begin, styles, etc). getting help, finding resources & contacts, understanding industry terminology.
- Basic writing skills
- What is communication, types of communication, types of language, clear wording, concise wording, parts of speech, grammar, punctuation.
- The publishing world
- Periodicals, books, remaindering, copyright, publishers advertising conditions, public lending rights, contracts, selling.
- Manuscripts
- Types of printing, preparing a type script, etc.
- Planning what you write
- Mechanics of writing, developing an idea, sentence structure, precis, planning what you write, building a paragraph.
- Newspaper writing
- Newspapers, regular columns, fillers, short features, etc.
- Magazine writing
- Travel writing, magazine articles/features, determining potentially marketable articles.
- Writing books
- Non fiction, fiction, short stories, determining what to write and developing an idea.
- Writing advertising
- Writing a press release, writing an advertisement, writing for public relations, etc.
- Special project
- Planning and developing a manuscript for a small book.
Each lesson culminates in an assignment which is submitted to the school, marked by the school's tutors and returned to you with any relevant suggestions, comments, and if necessary, extra reading.
- Discuss the nature and scope of freelance writing.
- Evaluate your basic writing skills and identify deficiencies needing attention in order to be successful at freelance writing.
- Develop a concept for freelance writing which has potential for selling.
- Identify commercial opportunities to sell writing to publishers.
- Describe the preparation of a manuscript for submission to a publisher
- Write commercially viable items for publishing in a newspaper.
- Write commercially viable items for publishing in a magazine.
- Plan for production of a commercially viable book manuscript.
- Write commercially viable advertising.
- Apply all skills and knowledge so far developed to the production of a complete manuscript.
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