Life coaching is a process that begins with identification of a need for change and takes the client through the micro-processes of planning, achieving and evaluating change to fulfill established goals. Although clients come to a life coach seeking to change their present circumstances or their feelings about their lives, many clients are very reluctant to actively and purposefully engage in the processes of change, and might expect the life coach to somehow bring about the changes without any real growth or development on their (the client’s) part.
Therefore, life coaching not only involves planning and engaging in processes to bring about change, it can also involve the life coach in motivating the client to accept the need for inner change in order to bring about outer change. In the end, the processes of recognising a need for change and for managing change may be even more valuable and contribute more to the personal growth of the client than the outcomes.
There are 10 lessons in this course:
nature of life coaching
cognitive behaviour therapy
different approaches
the scope of life coaching.
Individual Perception
psychology of self-perception
perceptual barriers
motivating clients to challenge their perceptions.
A Well Balanced Life
the inter-relationship between psychology and physiology
the psychology of balance.
Coaching Processes
key coaching processes
assessment of the client\'s situation
dealing with emotions
setting goals
replacing negative habits with positive ones
leadership qualities in a life coach
imagination and enthusiasm
clarifying goals
recognition of limitations.
Coaching Skills
understanding the communication process
body language
communication barriers
listening skills
assessing learning styles.
Coaching and physical well-being
human nutrition
important factors in nutrition
physical well-being.
Coaching and psychological well-being
the psychology of self-esteem
stress management programme
identifying stressors.
Coaching Success
high achievement
coaching success
career guidance
managing your money
beginning a business.
Goal Setting
aims and goals
types of goals
future goals
steps for sucessful goal achievement
effort and attribution.
Review and Adjustment
indications that a programme needs to be reassessed
client\'s lack of confidence
personality clash
health and safety issues.
Each lesson culminates in an assignment which is submitted to the school, marked by the school\'s tutors and returned to you with any relevant suggestions, comments, and if necessary, extra reading.
Interview a life-coach (or someone who offers life-coaching service as part of their professional counselling repertoire) for information on the nature of life-coaching.
Identify principles that differentiate life coaching from other helping professions.
Consider pros and cons of different approaches to life coaching.
Conduct case studies to reflect on and/or observe the effects of different life-coaching approaches on improving a person’s quality of life.
Design and administer a questionnaire to research some effects of negative aspects of self-perception.
Discuss the importance of balancing a client’s limitations and encouraging to step outside their comfort zones
Identify means of monitoring an individual’s self-perceptions.
Examine the relationship and interaction between mental/psychological and physical health and wellbeing.
Consider how to deal with clients with special needs such as disabilities.
Identify the processes involved in life coaching and describe what each can contribute to a client\'s personal growth and development.
Discuss ways individuals might resist life changes and ways to facilitate change.
Discuss the pros and cons of assertiveness training.
Identify reasons that individuals are unable to make decisions.
Identify different life coaching skills and when they are required.
Explain the importance of listening to the client and how to do it.
Consider factors that might make a life coach’s personal skill repertoire ineffectual.
Discuss the role and risks of physical life coaching in the life-coaching process.
Research factors that must be considered when setting out a life coaching plan to promote physical health, and psychological health.
Identify crucial information to be included in the development of a client’s plan.
Discuss ways to nurture a client\'s goal setting, planning and self-monitoring skills .
Research how much life-coaches use/do not use individualised client plans.
How can the life-coach monitor the effectiveness of his/her program for a client?
Create and evaluate an action plan for a real person/client, including monitoring.
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