Certificate IV in Aged Care

CertificatePlease enquire for prices and more information
Duration: 500 Hours
Delivery: Online
Code: CHC40108

Certificate IV in Aged Care Outline

These workers:

  • Carry out activities related to maintaining an individual’s well being through personal care and/or other activities of living
  • May provide services to individuals with complex needs, and/or work with groups of older people
  • Report to service managers and liaise with professionals and other service providers
  • May be required to supervise and/or coordinate a limited number of other workers


Occupational titles may include:

  • Accommodation support worker
  • Assistant hostel supervisor
  • Care supervisor
  • Care team leader
  • Day activity worker
  • Hostel supervisor
  • Personal care worker
  • Program coordinator – social programs
  • Support worker


Pathways to further study:

Upon successful completion of this course, you may progress to undertake further study in a Diploma of Nursing (endorsed enrolled nurse)


Entry Requirements:

To gain entry in CHC40108 Certificate IV in Aged Care a candidate must be recognised as competent, through a recognised training program or recognition process, against the following core units from CHC30208 Certificate III in Aged Care (or equivalent):

CHCAC318A Work effectively with older people

CHCAC319A Provide support to people living with dementia

CHCCS411A Work effectively in the community sector

CHCICS303A Support individual health and emotional well being

CHCPA301B Deliver care services using a palliative approach

HLTAP301A Recognise healthy body systems in a health care context

Also, the ability to read, comprehend, discuss and analyse printed information in English and to write statements, solve basic problems and work effectively with clients, colleagues and supervisors are essential skills required to fulfil the work role.

Workers at this level are also required to have an understanding of Indigenous culture and history and to work with local communities in the provision of services.

Students must be 18 or over to study this course

Lesson Structure

The program is composed of 11 core and 4 elective units. The elective units only are listed. These electives have been selected to provide maximum employment opportunities.


(11 core units and 4 elective units must be completed successfully for the award of the Certificate).


Core Units:                                                                                                                                

CHCAC412A        Provide services to older people with complex needs                                    (pre-requisite  CHCAC318A)

CHCAC416A        Facilitate support responsive to the specific nature of dementia                               

CHCAC417A        Implement interventions with older people at risk of falls                                        

CHCAD401D        Advocate for clients                                                                                                  

CHCCS400A         Work within a relevant legal and ethical framework                                        

CHCICS401A       Facilitate support for personal care needs                                                           

CHCICS402A       Facilitate individualised plans                                                                                 

CHCINF403C       Coordinate information systems                                                                             

CHCNET404A      Facilitate links with other services                                                                          

CHCORG406A    Supervise work                                                                                                               

CHCOHS312A     Follow safety procedures for direct care work      


4 Electives chosen for inclusion in the Cert IV in Aged Care course:

CHCDIS313A Support people with disabilities who are ageing                                                     

HLTHIR404B Work effectively with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people            

CHCCOM403A Use targeted communication skills to build relationships                              

CHCICS403A Conduct individual assessment                                                                                       


Course Duration and Workplace training:

It is recommended that students attempt to complete this course in approximately 20 weeks, but they may take longer.  Unpaid workplace training totalling 120 hours in an Aged Care facility is a compulsory component of this course and to be organised by the student.  Students may be required to produce a current Police Record Check to aged care facilities and to have completed HLTFA301B Apply first aid prior to commencement of workplace training.  Students pay the cost of the application for the Police Record check.


Assessment Methods:

Assessment is competency based and may include the following:

  • Written assignments
  • Written tests
  • Observations in a simulated environment
  • Observations in workplace training
  • Project work
  • Case studies


This course is offered in partnership with RTO#32412

Certificate IV in Aged Care

CertificatePlease enquire for prices and more information
Duration: 500 Hours
Delivery: Online
Code: CHC40108