If you have a passion for working with our precious older population or are interested in pursuing a career in this well needed field this course is for you. The course can be completed online from anywhere in Australia.
Course Status: Nationally Recognised (Australian Government )
Course Aim:
This qualification addresses work primarily in residential facilities under direct or regular supervision within clearly defined organisation guidelines and service plans.
These workers:
Occupational titles may include:
Pathways to further study:
Upon successful completion of this course, you may progress to undertake further study in CHC40108 Certificate IV in Aged Care.
Entry Requirements:
Certificate III in Aged Care has no specific entry requirements.
However, the ability to read, comprehend, discuss and analyse printed information in English and to write statements, solve basic problems and work effectively with clients, colleagues and supervisors are essential skills required to fulfil the work role.
Course Structure:
The program is composed of 10 core and 4 elective units. The elective units offered by Health Courses Australia only are listed. These electives have been selected to provide maximum employment opportunities
(10 core units and 4 elective units must be completed successfully for the award of the Certificate).
Core Units:
CHCAC317A Support older people to maintain their independence
CHCAC318A Work effectively with older people
CHCAC319A Provide support to people living with dementia
CHCCS411C Work effectively in the community sector
CHCICS301B Provide support to meet personal care needs
CHCICS302B Participate in the implementation of individualised plans
CHCICS303A Support individual health and emotional well being
CHCOHS312A Follow safety procedures for direct care work
CHCPA301B Deliver care services using a palliative approach
HLTAP301B Recognise healthy body systems in a health care context
4 Electives chosen for inclusion in the Health Courses Australia Cert. III in Aged Care course:
HLTIN301C Comply with infection control policies and procedures in Healthwork
CHCCS305C Assist clients with medication (pre-requisite HLTAP301A)
HLTHIR403C Work effectively with culturally diverse clients & co-workers
HLTFA311A Apply first aid
This course is offered in partnership with RTO#32412