Interior (Indoor) Plants

Statement of AchievementPlease enquire for prices and more information
Duration: 100 Hours
Delivery: Online & Correspondence
Code: BHT315

Interior (Indoor) Plants Outline

Develop your skills to make informed decisions on the selection, care and use of indoor plants. To be successful with indoor plants, you need to be able firstly, to identify correctly, the plants you are dealing with; and then secondly, understand the conditions required for the specific plant variety concerned.

"Indoor plantscaping and care is a great profession to get into, and this course will help you to build the required knowledge to be able to maintain these plants - both commercially and in the home."- Tracey Morris Dip.Hort., Cert.Hort., Cert III Organic Farming.

Lesson Structure

There are 8 lessons in this course:

  1. Introduction
  2. Indoor Plant Culture - Part A
  3. Indoor Plant Culture - Part B
  4. Foliage Plants
  5. Flowering Plants
  6. Other Indoor Plants
  7. Making The Best Use Of Indoor Plants
  8. The Interior Plantscaping Industry

Each lesson culminates in an assignment which is submitted to the school, marked by the school's tutors and returned to you with any relevant suggestions, comments, and if necessary, extra reading.


  • Distinguish between different types of indoor plants
  • Describe the cultural methods used for growing various indoor plants
  • Evaluate a range of plants not commonly grown indoors for their suitability for interior plantscaping.
  • Select appropriate plants for different interior plantscaping situations.
  • Develop innovative ways of presenting plants for indoor situations.
  • Explain the interior plantscaping industry, including its nature and scope.

To learn how to enrol click here

Interior (Indoor) Plants

Statement of AchievementPlease enquire for prices and more information
Duration: 100 Hours
Delivery: Online & Correspondence
Code: BHT315