Would you like to grow orchids for the markets?Orchids are one of the most commercially viable cut flower crops (partially due to their beauty, and also due to their long shelf life). Learn how to produce orchid flowers for the cut flower trade! Orchids occur naturally from very cold temperate climates through to tropical locations; and provided you choose appropriate species and treat them according to location, it is feasible to grow orchids as cut flowers almost anywhere
There are 10 lessons in this course:
Covers plant names
Basic plant classification
Information on plant flower structure
Looks at soil cultivation
Container growing
Potting mixes
Pruning orchids
Propagation A.
Propagation materials and equipment
Miscellaneous propagation techniques
Propagation B. (Tissue Culture).
Materials necessary for tissue culture
Types of tissue culture
Plant hormones
Plant nutrients
Greenhouse Management A.
Greenhouses and other growing structures
Environmental controls
Benches and beds
Effects of carbon dioxide
Greenhouse Management B.
Growing plants in greenhouses
Plant needs
Temperature control
Greenhouse irrigation
Pest and Disease Control.
Horticultural Management in greenhouses
Pests and diseases
Management, Harvest and Post Harvest.
Harvest and post-harvest
Managing a market garden
Crop scheduling
Farm layout
Nursery costs
Marketing your produce
Economically valuable orchids
International flower markets
Special Project.
An in depth study of a specific group of orchids.
Each lesson culminates in an assignment which is submitted to the school, marked by the school\'s tutors and returned to you with any relevant suggestions, comments, and if necessary, extra reading.
Explain the plant naming system, identify flower parts and compile resources
Describe cultural techniques applicable to orchid growing.
Describe propagation techniques used for orchids.
Explain tissue culture propagation techniques.
Describe protected plant production facilities suited to orchids.
Explain the day to day management of a greenhouse.
Manage Pests and diseases on an orchid flower crop
Explain management of an orchid enterprise and the harvest and post harvest of an orchid crop.
Explain marketing techniques used for cut flower orchids.
Describe a major orchid group
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